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Revista del IEEE 6

162 Revista del Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos (IEEE) Núm. 6 / 2015 de Israel o a las actuales aspiraciones nucleares iraníes, constituyen un acto de revisión de las estrategias de disuasión así como una oportunidad de explorar alternativas a las ADM como una ZLAN en Próximo Oriente. Un complejo y difícil escenario de costes y beneficios donde la disuasión nuclear y sus posibles fallos, deberían ponderarse de igual modo, llegando a encontrar una nueva base política de largo plazo que pueda servir a los futuros estrategas políticos a alcanzar la estabilidad global. V. BIBLIOGRAFÍA ACHEN, Christopher H and SNIDAL, Duncan. Rational deterrence theory and comparative case studies, World politics, vol. 41, Issue 2, Jan. 1989. BUNDY, Mc. George. To Cap the Volcano, Foreign Affairs 48, no. 1, 1969. ELDEN ALY, Hossam. The deterrence potential of Weapons of Mass destruction (WMD) in the Arab-Israeli enduring rivalry, Vienna: Dissertation, Uni Wien, 1999. EVRON, Yair. The Israeli Nuclear Dilemma, London, Routledge, 1994. FISHER, David. Morality and the bomb. An ethnical assessment of nuclear deterrence, London, Croom Helm Ltd, 1985. GÄRTNER, Heinz. Deterrence, disarmament and arms control, Vienna, OIIP working paper, no. 68, May 2013. HUTH, Paul. Deterrence and International Conflict: Empirical Findings and Theoretical Debate, Annual Review of Political Science, Vol. 2: 25-48, 1999. JENTELSON, Bruce. Coercive diplomacy: Scope and Limits in the contemporary world, Policy Analysis, The Stanley Foundation, 2006. JERVIS, R. Deterrence and perception, International security, vol. 7, winter 1982-83. JONES, Peter. New directions in Middle East deterrence: Implications for Arms Controls, Middle East Review of International Affairs, v.1, n.4, 1997. KOTARSI, Kris. citando Patrick M. Morgan in “Deterring the undeterrable? Proliferation concerns in a world of ”Rogue states” and non state actors.” Chapter IV in Wilner, Alexandre. Revolution or evolution: emerging threats to security in the 21st century. Dalhousie: University Centre for Foreign Policy Studies, 2006. LUPOVICI, Amir. The Emerging Fourth Wave of Deterrence theory Toward a New Research Agenda, International Studies Quarterly, volume 54, Issue 3, September 2010. MORGAN, Patrick M. and Wirtz, James J., edited by TV. Paul, Complex Deterrence, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 2009.

Revista del IEEE 6
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