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Revista del IEEE 6

291 Miguel Ángel Ballesteros Martín Method for the analysis of geopolitical regions... • Stability factors throughout recent history. • Instability factors throughout recent history. • CV of its leaders. 4.2.6. Socio-political factor • Generalities: Socio-political situation, socio-political conflictivity, elements of national identity, centrifugal and centripetal influences. • Physical framework: Territory, borders, critical areas, enclaves, the capitals, natural tendencies. • Human support: Historical data, the family and primary groups, municipalities and smaller entities, provinces and regions, social strata, political parties, unions, dominating ideologies, pressure groups, minorities, social control. • The organization of the States: Political systems, the constitutions, executive, legislative and judicial powers, the governing bodies. • Foreign policy: International relations and areas of influence, membership in international organisms, pacts and alliances, repercussions of foreign policy on national issues, and viceversa, main tendencies. 4.2.7. Military factor • Generalities: Collective defense area, military strategies, alliances, most important Armed Forces. • Defense and Armed Forces Organizations: Military High Command, organizations of the armed forces, military alliances. • Recruitment and mobilization: Form of conscription of military service, analysis of the contingents, mobilization systems, regional impact. • Land forces: Organization and deployment, mission, commands, training and proportion; armament and materiel. • Naval forces: Organization and deployment, mission, commands, training and proportion; armament and materiel.

Revista del IEEE 6
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