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Revista del IEEE 6

292 Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies N. 6 / 2015 • Air force: Organization and deployment, mission, commands, training and proportion; armament and materiel. • Other forces: Foreign forces in the territory, own forces abroad, joint utilization bases, shared missions. • Paramilitary forces: Total forces, organization and deployment, arms and materiel, missions to accomplish. • Armament and materiel: Origin, age and state of repair, domestic arms industry, maintenance. • Organisms of military information: Hierarchy among them, forces and media, deployment, efficiency. • Other aspects: Army integration in society, military education, non-professional command structures. • Failed states. • Failed seas. 4.2.8. Personality of the leaders • Education, values, aggressiveness, ideology. • Intelligence. • Personality and temperamental variables, degree of self-control. • Professional experience. • Social influence, social adaptability. • Leadership. • Family status. • Behavior under pressure. • Distribution of internal power. • Regional political leadership. • Regional religious leadership. • Regional military leadership.

Revista del IEEE 6
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