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436 Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies N. 5 / 2015 Figure 5. Countries suffering from water stress, 1997 and 2025 scenarios.42 Many analysts work on the assumption that the scarcity of such a vital resource as water leads to conflict. This certainly seems plausible: the less water we have, the more valuable it becomes and the more likely people (and states) are to fight over it. Nevertheless, systematic research into conflict indictors on transboundary waters has failed to find any statistically significant physical parameter.43 42  Fernández Jáuregui C (2000). El agua como fuente de conflictos. Repaso de los focos de conflictos en el mundo, op. cit, p 7. 43  Kramer A., Wolf A., Carius A., Dabelko G. Managing Water Conflict and Cooperation. Op cit., p. 9.

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