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182 Revista del Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos (IEEE) Núm. 3 / 2014 The Chinese government keeps on considering as taboo the massacre that occurred on the 4th of June 1989 and rejects the petitions of the victims’ families, especially of the NGO Mothers of Tiananmen, to investigate the military intervention lead to finish with nearly two months of student protests in the central square of Beijing. The crisis, where several hundred people lost their lives – the exact number might never be known – marked a turning point in the relations between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the people. The Chinese dissent is nourished by Tiananmen. Inside the country, because the dissidents fight against the same ills that the students denounced at the time. And in the outside, because many actors of the protests took refuge in Western countries and they keep encouraging China to respect the Human Rights. China, dissidents, Human Rights, corruption, Tiananmen, Chinese Communist Party (CCP), Liu Xiaobo, Ai Weiwei, USA, Nobel Prize, Sakharov Prize

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