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274 Journal of the Spanisch Institute for Strategic Studies N. 3 / 2014 1. A place reserved in the same course the next time it is held. In the case of the same situation persisting, she may exercise the right to reserve a place on a second and final staging of the same course. 2. The exemption of age requirements, should these figure on the following occasion that the course is held. 3. The exemption of having to provide a different qualification to that required for the initial staging of the course. 4. The staging of the course should not be accounted for as complete. 5. In the case of where selection tests were a pre-requisite to being designated as a pupil, the female military professional shall be exempt from having to repeat these except in the case of medical or physical tests, the evaluation of which played a determining role in the corresponding selection process. b) Where on account of pregnancy, birth or in the postnatal period the female military professional leaves the course, having surpassed the number of absences regulated or established according to the corresponding course, in the next course that she attends in accordance with the provisions of section 1.a).1. of the article, she will be exempt from having to repeat the modules, subjects or assignments already carried out. Notwithstanding the previous paragraph, where there is a question of modules, subjects or assignments where the physical condition, ability or aptitude in carrying out a certain activity, the course or, as appropriate, the corresponding study plans shall determine whether the aforementioned exemption can be applied. 2. In the field of vocational training: During vocational training the pupil who is pregnant, in childbirth or in the postnatal period shall have the right to: a) Not to be excluded from the corresponding military training centre either on the grounds of insufficiency of psycho-physical conditions, nor for failing to pass the tests scheduled by the study programme within the stipulated time-frame. b) Take up residence outside the centre. c) Not to be taken into account as completed the tests, courses or examinations, which she has been unable to attend on account of her situation. d) If on account of pregnancy, childbirth or post-natal motherhood, the pupil is obliged to repeat any academic course, she will be exempt from having to repeat any modules, subjects or assignments, except where these are medical or physical tests the evaluation of which were determining in the corresponding course or where the study plan provides for the obligatory attendance at any of these. Article 4 Particular measures Taking into account the structure, duration and workload of the course, in the study programme, or,

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