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275 Daniel Rey Moral The incidence of the gender perspective in drafting the new armed forces disciplinary regime law 2. On the other hand, the amendments introduced by the Socialist Parliamentary Group, which propose modifying articles 6.28, 7.27 y 8.12 by replacing the term “sex” with “gender”, considering that “the essential element that provokes discrimination is not the sex in itself, but the combination of human arrangements arising from which a society transforms biological sexuality and attributes distinct roles that diminish the possibilities and opportunities of women”. Out of respect for the principle of political and trade union neutrality that applies to the military, we shall not discuss questions of a political nature. However, we do consider it necessary to make known the commitment shown by the main parliamentary groups in relation to the gender perspective in the construction of the new disciplinary regime law, and how it has been the object of debate and controversy aimed at reaching a common goal: the effective, real, efficient and immediate equality between the men and women that make up the personnel of the Armed Forces. On the basis of these precepts, not only does one hope to obtain the protection of certain personal legal rights, such as sexual liberty, personal and professional dignity, equality and non-discrimination, but also to adapt to the Organic Law 9/2011, regulating the rights and duties of the members of the Armed Forces, incorporating the protection of the rights that it guarantees and sanctioning any interference with the duties imposed. failing this, in the corresponding announcement recognition of the following rights shall be accorded, insofar as possible to female pupils and female training personnel who for reasons derived from their situation of pregnancy, childbirth or post-natal motherhood, cannot attend or are absent from any of the Armed Forces training courses: a) Modules, subjects or assignments where physical attendance can be replaced by distance learning. b) The possibility of passing tests on alternative dates, but always before the end of the course. c) Determination of the modules, subjects or assignments where individual examination can exempt the pupil from repetition at a later date. d) Adapting the annual leave schedule, permits and licences to guarantee compatibility between her situation and the teaching scheme. Article 5 Accreditation of the situation In order to avail of the general measures determined in this royal decree and the particular measures that could figure in the corresponding announcement, female personnel and training course students should produce a form of justification to the corresponding body in charge, or, as appropriate, to the director of the corresponding military training centre, in the form of the required official medical certificate, stating the grounds for non-attendance or for not undergoing the previous selection process.

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