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of the tourniquet on the battlefield, an improvement in survival rates and decreased morbidity and mortality, consumption of blood and therefore the economic costs treatment of such injuries. This literature review aims to demonstrate that early use of tourniquet ZO increases the survival of the casualty who have external bleeding in combat. KEYWORDS: Tourniquet, Control bleeding, External bleeding, Combat. BRIEF COMMUNICATION 29 Porphyria cutanea tarda in an HIV-infected patient. Secondary role or protagonist of the virus? Torres León JM., Menéndez Martínez MªA., Domínguez Alegría AR.. Torrejón Martínez MªJ., Espigares Correa A. SUMMARY: A suspicion about the association of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection with type I or sporadic form of porphyria cutanea tarda (PCT) began a few years after the discovery of the virus. The pathogenesis of PCT in these patients is unclear and although majority of the patients have more than one underlying factor for the disease, it is considered that HIV itself is an independent risk element for its development. This communication describes the case of a patient with HIV infection in whom the diagnosis of PCT was established simultaneously. KEYWORDS: Porphyria cutanea tarda. HIV 32 Management of traumatic injury of femoral artery with autologous saphenous vein graft in area of operations Gascón Hove M., Falta EM., Bojescul JA., Fernández de Miguel JM., Fuentes Mora C., Cuesta de Diego M., Gómez Garrido C., de Juan Pérez J. SUMMARY: In both the military and civilian settings, traumatic vascular extremity trauma is an uncommon but potentially fatal injury. Principles of treatment involve correcting shock, rapid surgical restoration of blood flow, and strict postoperative surveillance. Under optimal conditions for these injuries, the rate of amputation and mortality are below 10% and 4%, respectively. We present a case of an Afghan soldier who suffered a major traumatic extremity injury in an austere environment. Early revascularization was temporized with an arterial shunt. After his condition stabilized, he was evacuated to the next echelon of care, where a definitive an autologous reverse saphenous vein bypass was performed. KEYWORDS: Vascular trauma, Arterial injury. TECHNICAL NOTE 35 Positive assessment of drugs: September/October/November 2014 Tabakov A., Aparicio Hernández R., Pérez Morán MJ., Prats Olivan P. SUMMARY: The drugs assessed by the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products or European Medicines Agency made public in September, October and November of 2014, and considered of interest to the healthcare profesional, are reviewed. These are positive technical reports prior to the authorization and placing on the market of the product. KEYWORDS: Afamelanotida, Scenesse®, Apremilast, Aotezla®, Balugrastim, Egranli®, Darunavir/Cobicistat, Rezolsta®, Dasabuvir Sódico, Exviera®, Dulaglutida, Trulicity®, Eliglustat, Cerdelga®, Estrógenos Conjugados/Bazedoxifeno, Duavive®, Ketoconazol, Ketoconazol Hra Pharma®, Naloxegol, Moventig®, Nintedanib, Vargatef®, Ofev®, Nonacog Gamma, Rixubis ®, Olaparib, Lynparza®, Ombitasvir/Paritaprevir/Ritonavir,Viekirax®, Ospemifeno, Senshio®, Ramucirumab, Cyramza®, Secukinumab, Consentyx®, Sofosbuvir/Ledipasvir, Harvoni®, Tilmanocept, Lymphoseek®, Vorapaxar,Zontivity®. REPORTS 44 Hospital preparation in NBC incidents Cique Moya A. SUMMARY: Guainía, Matsumoto and Tokyo incidents, as well as the anthrax crisis show that the hospitals are directly involved in the response to NBC incidents, which is why they must be integrated into the system of response to disasters together with pre-hospital care services in order to provide an effective response to such accidents. Organizational and management challenges that hospital faces in an incident do not only affect emergency services, they go beyond, so they must be considered in the Hospital`s Emergency Plan. The answer is the establishment of a plan for continuous improvement in the installation through the assessment of its safety index and through the preparation, individual and collective, of the health center in to order activate the emergency plan immediately once set the alarm, avoiding that way the transfer of contamination to facilities and staff and minimizing the consequences of a NBC incident. KEYWORDS: NBC incident, Hospital preparation, Transfer of contamination, Emergency plan, Safety index, Vulnerability analysis 50 The evidence-based practices in psychology and in military psychology García Silgo M. SUMMARY: The psychological practices has not been based in evidence for many year and times and, some others, they has been supported by traditional psychological theory but not pragmatic and nether empirical. Furthermore, psychological interventions could be done including demonstrated facts but most of those interventions had never been validated in randomized controlled trial. Fortunately for the profession and its clients, this trend is changing. Increasing quality and demands are required to psychologists and psychology is getting, finally, a strong position. KEYWORDS: Evidence-based practice, Military psychology history, Psychological intervention. 4 Sanid. mil. 2015; 71 (1)

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