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Abstract: International crimes have often one common element: the participation in them of various people at the different stages of the cri-minal iter. Many of the most heinous crimes are devised and planned in a particular level of an organization of power, being then executed by those placed at the lowest level of the organization. In this context it is necessary to determine the nature of the participation in the offense of all of those who have contributed to its production. There are, in this sense, some re-levant forms of perpetratorship such as co-perpetration and intermediary perpetration through organized apparatus of power. Nowadays, another form of perpetratorship is, nevertheless, being considered: the interme-diary co-perpetration, which is a new dogmatic development in criminal science in relation to the existing forms of perpetratorship, whether in do-mestic or in international criminal law. By exposing several scenarios, this article analyses all of these different categories of perpetratorship. Keywords: international crime, criminal responsibility, perpetrator, participant and organized apparatus of power. LA REVISIÓN PENAL MILITAR: LA DOCTRINA DE LA SALA 5.ª EN RELACIÓN A LOS PROCESOS PENALES CASTRENSES DEL FRANQUISMO. JOSÉ LUIS MARTÍN DELPÓN. Resumen: El objeto del presente estudio es el análisis de las posibili-dades procesales que otorga el mal llamado recurso de revisión en relación a las sentencias penales militares dictadas por los Consejos de Guerra y Tribunales Militares durante el franquismo. Además, la Ley de Memoria Histórica también influye en las valoraciones expuestas en tanto que hace expresa referencia a este tipo de procedimientos y sus resoluciones, los cuales son considerados ilegítimos y radicalmente injustos. Palabras clave: revisión judicial, justicia militar, franquismo, memo-ria histórica y consejos de guerra. Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyze the procedural pos-sibilities afforded by the so-called judicial review in relation to military criminal sentences imposed by martial courts and military tribunals under Franco’s regime. In addition, the Law of Historical Memory also affects the assessments here presented while it expressly refers to this type of pro-cedures and its resolutions, which are deemed illegitimate and radically 11 unfair. Keywords: judicial review, military justice, Franco’s regime, historical memory and martial courts.

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