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345 Fernando Delage The Asian strategy of Xi Jinping depended on its capacity to project power, Beijing, with new military resources and an asymmetric strategy, can significantly constrain Washington’s access and moreover increase the cost of its activities. Although the security environment still remains “complicated”, Beijing maintains a considerable degree of optimism regarding its possibilities. Like his predecessors, Xi also expects a “period of strategic opportunity” favourable to its interests, at least until 2020.27 In November 2014, it identified five long term trends in international relations: the growing trend towards a multipolar world; continued economic globalisation; a global context oriented towards peace and development; a drive for reform in the international system; and growing prosperity in the surrounding region. In spite of uncertainties, “Our biggest opportunity -he argued- lies in China’s steady development and growth in its strength. On the other hand, we should be mindful of various risks and challenges and skilfully defuse potential crises and turn them into opportunities for China’s development”.28 The aspiration to avail of these circumstances provides an explanation for the most recent diplomatic expressions. XI JINPING’S DIPLOMATIC DOCTRINE The perception of a new strategic situation must be accompanied by a readjustment of diplomatic discourse, a task that has been personally assumed by Xi, who has established new institutions to that effect, under his direct supervision, such as the National Security Commission. Moreover, he has formulated the concepts and initiatives that we shall examine next. The “Chinese Dream”. The slogan pledges progress in “the great renewal of the nation”; a priority which he defined as the main task of the government in his first speech as Secretary General of the Communist Party.29 This is no mere rhetorical declaration, 27  The precept, described by Jiang Zemin in 2002, and revalidated in 2007 by Hu Jintao, was again taken up at the XVIII Congress in 2012. See “China’s strategic opportunity period has not ended”, People’s Daily, 31 July 2012, (last consultation 12-1-2015). 28  “Xi eyes more enabling int’l environment for China’s peaceful development”, Xinhua, 30 November 2014, (last consultation 2-12-2014). 29  “Xi Pledges ‘Great Renewal of Chinese Nation’”, Xinhua, 29 November 2012, http://news. (last consultation 12-1-2015). Xi reiterated the same message in his first speech as President of the People’s Republic of China following his election by the National Assembly in March 2013: “ ‘Chinese dream’ is Xi’s vision”, China Daily, 18 March 2013, (last consultation 12-1-2015).

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