Applicability of the principle of universal jurisdiction to war crimes. Spanish domestic law. Juan M. García Labajo. The Organic Law 1/2009 has introduced a series of amendments to Article 23.4 of the Organic Law 1/1985, of the Judiciary, in the sense of extending the cases in which the Spanish courts have jurisdiction outside the national territory, but also establishing procedural limitations to the principle of universal jurisdiction. The thesis in this article is to emphasize that these procedural limitations are not applicable to war crimes, as the universal jurisdiction of every State with respect to those crimes is already recognized in the Geneva Conventions, to which the above mentioned Article 16 23.4 implicitly refers. Actuaciones previas al procedimiento disciplinario: el parte y la información reservada. José Miguel González Reyes. El presente trabajo tiene como presupuesto la especial naturaleza y estructura de la organización administrativa militar como basamento mediante el cual se organizan y vertebran nuestras Fuerzas Armadas. Desde esta perspectiva, la singular configuración de la organización administrativa militar determina que el ejercicio del ius puniendi del Estado en el seno castrense presente especiales características en el orden cualitativo respecto al régimen general de sanciones. Partiendo de ello, nos proponemos adentrarnos en la investigación de la naturaleza y fundamento de la sanción administrativa militar a partir de la recopilación y discusión de las teorías elaboradas por la Doctrina y análisis de la jurisprudencia existente en torno a este tema. Predisciplinary proceedings: military complaint and restricted preliminary investigation. José Miguel González Reyes. The starting point in this article is the particular nature and structure of the military administrative organization, as the basis according to which our Armed Forces are set up. From this standpoint, the special configuration of the military administrative organization determines that the exercise of the State ius puniendi in the military domain show some qualitative peculiarities when compared to the general regime of administrative sanctions. On this basis, the author intends to get into the investigation of the nature and basis of the military nonjudicial punishment, by collecting and discussing the various theories developed by scholars, and also by analyzing the case law on this particular issue.

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