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146 Revista del Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos Núm. 1 / 2013 BIBLIOGRAFÍA ABELSON, H; LEDEEN, K. & LEWIS, H. R. (2008): Blown to bits: your life, liberty, and happiness after the digital explosion, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Addison-Wesley. BIMBER, B. (1088): “The Internet and Political Transformation: Populism, Community, and Accelerated Pluralism.”, Polity, Vol. 31, nº 1, pags. 133–60. BOLLIER, D. (2003): “The Rise of Netpolitik. How the Internet Is Changing International Politics and Diplomacy”, Aspen Institute - Communications and Society Program. BREMMER, I. (2010): “Democracy in Cyberspace”, Foreign Affairs, Vol. 89, Nº 6, pags. 86-92. BUDGE, I. (1996): The New Challenge of Direct Democracy. Oxford: Polity Press. CASTELLS, M. (2001): La Galaxia Internet. Reflexiones sobre empresa, sociedad e Internet, Barcelona: Plaza & Janés. CLINTON, H. R. (2010): “Remarks on Internet Freedom”, The Newseum, Washington DC. (January 21). COLEMAN, S. (1999): “Can the New Media Invigorate Democracies?”, Political Quarterly, Vol. 70, nº 1, pags. 16–22. COOK. S. (2011): “China’s growing army of paid internet commentators”, Freedom at Issue, (October 10) DAVIS, R. (1999): The Web of Politics, New York: Oxford University Press. DEIBERT, R. & ROHOZINSKI, R. (eds.) (2010): Access Controlled: The Shaping of Power, Rights, and Rule in Cyberspace, Cambridge: MIT Press. DIAMOND, L. (2010): “Liberation Technology”, Journal of Democracy, Vol. 21, Nº 3, pags. 69-83. DOBRIANSKY, P. (2008): “New Media vs. New Censorship: The Assault,” remarks to Broadcasting Board of Governors, Washington D.C. (10 September).

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