

312 Revista del Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos Núm. 1/ 2013 Table IV. Questions relating to the accessibility of the images of the OPAC checklist. 12 Accessibility (A) A.1 is the information available or closed? This criterion will evaluate whether the cartographic system shows the information requested or not. A.2 What level of threat does the country have to have in order to justify a special level of protection about certain images? In the case of being open, it is appropriate to propose what the reason for this would be, whether it is conscious that the exposure of certain images could represent a threat. To evaluate this aspect, we evaluate the classification of the Global Peace Index*, in which 5 relates to the countries with the highest peace rating and 1 to the less peaceful countries. A.3 What capacity does the country have to carry out counterintelligence operations on the tool? What we want to analyse on this point is whether the information shown about the base has a lesser definition than that of areas near the base, relating this to the country of location of the service and policy about the users of the tool. A.4 What is the level of transparency of the institutions of the country as regards the defence information? India has seen the need to propose that these tools should be closed, with the aim of preventing terrorist attacks, given that it is known certain groups use them as a means of obtaining information. It is important to take account of the reputation of a country that has practiced censorship in recent times. We have used the index of transparency relating to defence provided by TI Defence** where 5 corresponds to the highest level of transparency. A.5 To what extent does the enquiries limit represent an obstacle? Some services restrict the number of enquiries that can be made: limiting the daily enquiries by IP or setting annual limits. 13 14 *   VISION OF HUMANITY. 2012 Global Peace Index. Internet Vision of Humanity, 2012 consultation date: April 2, 2013. Available at: http://www.visionofhumanity.org/gpi-data/#/2011/scor **  GORBANOVA, Mariya and WAWRO, Leah. The Transparency of Defence Budgets, Internet in International Defence & Security Programme, 2011 consultation date: April 2, 2013. Available at: http://www.ti-defence.org/publications/893-the-transparency-of-defence-budgets

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