

311 Yaiza Rubio y Félix Brezo The over exposure of geographic information Table II. Questions relating to the origin of the images of the OPAC checklist. Origin of the images (O) O.1 Does the cartographic service analysed have a wide range of image providers over the region? It is considered that the more providers supply the service, then the images displayed are going to be more in line with reality, in the case of there being no limits on access to the information. O.2 Can the users update the information analysed? Evaluate which mechanisms each tool makes available to the users, so that they can update the information available. O.3 How does the concept of the digital divide affect? Some studies observe big differences between the existing information about the western countries, much more abundant than in developing countries, with a population with less access to Internet. The more people are connected, the more possibilities there will be of participating. Use of percentage data about Internet access furnished by the Internet World Stats * weighted at values from 1 to 5. Table III. Questions relating to the information of the OPAC checklist. Precision (P) P.1 What is the level of information breakdown available as compared to other countries? The analyst has to know whether more or les information will be available, depending on the implementation of that service in the country. P.2 What is the level of updating of the images? The providers offer images from different dates to the cartographic services that acquire them and process them and combine, so as to create the end product that the display to the user, which could led to images with a poor level of updating. P.3 What is the zoom level of the images? This section evaluates the degree of precision of the images displayed. P.4 What is the level of responsibility of the services when it comes to displaying their errors? This variable could have repercussions when it comes to displaying information with better quality. 11 *   INTERNET WORLD STATS (2013). Internet World Stats: Usage and Population Statistics. Internet Miniwatts Marketing Group consultation date: April 2, 2013. Available at http://www. internetworldstats.com/

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