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223 F. Ibáñez G./ M. Á. Esteban Analysis of the Somali pirate attacks in the Indian Ocean. security corridors. This is why it does not seem reasonable to use the maritime domain concept here. In addition, the corridors do not set geographical limits on the Gulf of Aden either, but rather they go beyond this to the east, to the north of the Socotra archipelago. In image 2, on the left, we can see the geographical boundaries of the Gulf of Aden, as these are set by the International Hydrographical Organisation (IHO) and the location of the security corridors. As we can see, part of the security corridors lie outside the geographical boundaries of the Gulf of Aden. For this reason, we have decided to extend the area that we call the Gulf of Aden, with the aim of including the security corridor and the adjoining areas. Thus, we consider all of the incidents reported within the regions that appear on the right in image 2 as occurring in this Gulf. To the west, there is the geographical boundary set by the IHO for the Gulf of Aden and to the east, the one that we establish. The boundaries of this are; to the north, the frontier between Yemen and Oman, and to the east, the Yemeni Socotra archipelago. This decision, which in reality is imposed by the international community when it creates a security corridor in the Gulf of Aden, also compels us to considerably reduce the area of the maritime domain where we consider in our database to be attacks occurring in Yemen. In our analysis, the attacks contained within the maritime domain of Yemen, which does not form part of the Gulf of Aden, will grouped together in that region; that is, to the east and south of Socotra (image 3). Image 3: Area of the maritime domain of Yemen that groups together the attacks occurring in its territory, according to our database. In the same way, we consider that the geographical region of the south of the Red Sea may be considered to be one single zone. Dividing the incidents in this region amongst the different maritime domains (Djibouti, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Eritrea or Egypt), seems to us to be less clear as it encompasses the entire region with the name Red Sea. In the rest of the area of activity of the Somalia pirates, we look at the maritime domains of each country: Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, Madagascar, Seychelles, India, Pakistan, Iran, the Maldives, Mauritius, Oman, Mayotte, Tromelin Island

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