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327 Yaiza Rubio y Félix Brezo The over exposure of geographic information 4.4.2. Calculation of the percentiles: situation of Spain as compared to other countries The objective of this section is to identify the score of Spain and place it within each OPAC section, as compared to other countries. To do this, we have used the sum of the scores obtained and we have done a calculation of percentiles that helps with the task of ascertaining how far Spain is above certain countries for each tool. That is to say: a 75% percentile means that Spain’s score in that section is higher than 75% of the countries that have been the subject of the study. Figure 7 shows a representation of the percentiles obtained by Spain for each tool based upon their Origin, Precision, Accessibility and Comparison. As can be seen, in general figures are obtained that are above 60%, other than in the well-known case of the Precision of Bing Maps. This takes account of the exceptional factor, already remarked on, that none of the four Spanish bases analysed were open. Figure 7. Graph of percentiles of Spain. 4.4.3. Verification of the reliability of the model Once the OPAC regression lines for each tool have been calculated in the previous section, on the basis of the percentages of Internet penetration and of urban population, we have calculated the degree of deviation of the model as compared to the data obtained following the observation of the Spanish bases. In the following table we can observe how these two variables make it possible to estimate, with a limited margin of error, what the degree of exposure of the Spanish bases is. This is in spite of the fact that the regression models have not been instructed with information that comes from

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