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375 Luis de la Corte Ibáñez To what extent do global terrorism and organised criminality converge the 2000’s, in three geo-political spaces of greatest relevance for global terrorism, namely: the Af-Pak region, the post-Saddam Hussein Iraq and the Western Sahel. This examination shows it is in these places where the circumstances permit this and these stimulate the confusion of jihadist activism and organised crime that may reach extremes that are really dangerous. In short, while the connection between global terrorism and organised criminality should not be assumed, de facto, it constitutes a genuine trend that is a cause for concern and is underway, which requires preferential treatment and attention. On the other hand, the problem of the critical scenarios would require specific and integrating interventions, based upon a greater level of cooperation between the national and multinational bodies and agencies that respectively have anti-terrorist and organised crime-fighting objectives assigned to them.

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