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395 Antonio Fonfría Defence spending in Spain. A methodological note GRAPH 4 Source: Prepared by the author with data from the institutions. Calculated with constant PPP dollars from 2005. As regards the annual variation of the cost figures, the rates set out in figure 5 show two different trends in the data from the institutions: on the one hand, there are those that anticipate - with regard to the final cost calculated for Spain -, the reduction of the cost to 2006 –SIPRI, BM, EDA and the UN21-; on the other, there are those that show it from 2007 onwards. The first present, on the whole, a more abrupt fall and a more rapid recovery in 2011, which shows that they are more volatile in their response to the variations of expenditure. This fact may be due to the fact that the definition itself of the defence expenditure includes headings of which the composition varies annually in a more acute way, like international aid. 21  In the case of the UN series, the variation is greater due to the fact that it has not been possible to update the data prior to 2010.

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