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401 Antonio Fonfría Defence spending in Spain. A methodological note 3. Research and Development Devoted to large equipment X X X X X Other X X X X X Subsidies, loans X X 4. Other costs Storage cost for X intermediate industrial goods and supplies Civil defence X X X Xb Costs financed by X donations from other countries Field and base hospitals X X X Military aid missions X X X Military aid to other X X X X countries 5. Civil defence Adm. of matters and services of civil defence X X X --a Formulation of plans for unforeseen events X Organisation of manoeuvres involving civil institutions and population X X X Services of civil protection X --a --a --a Acquisition and storage of equipment, food and supplies for emergency use X 6. Defence not included (*) X X X X Sources: NATO (2012), IMF (2001), UNODA (2003) UNODA (2010), CEPAL (2001), CEPAL (2005), NATIONAL DEFENCE MINISTRY (2009), EDA (2011). --: Inclusion is not clear from the definition given by the organisation. b): Only if financed by the MoD. (*): not included in previous sections due to the fact that it does not correspond exactly with any title.

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