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406 Revista del Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos Núm. 1 / 2013 The hard core of his thinking is that war has no sense by itself, it is an instrumental nature function; it has a political end and sense, is Politics who points the “for what” of war. And in this sense the nature of the ends is affected by the nature of the means. When the mean is the war and if the war is brutal, disproportionate and without limits, probably the political ends will be affected by this. A total war leads to a total victory but to a total defeat too. War implies a power confrontation. It is not an ethic, fair or legal act... it is not even military, and other analysis origined from this levels without being false are incomplete and mislead to erroneous decisions. It is a political act that, acording to its integral dimension, exceeds any cosidered levels: war is certainly an International Public Law Institution, but it is more than this. Among the first actions taken by the British during the Malvinas War can be listed the seizure of private propoerty of the British Argentinian in the islands. It is, above all, a tool of the Politics; it is subordinated to the service of other ends. And it embodies a contradiction: the end of the war is the peace, being understood as the new political situation generated after the conflict. Furthermore, in every conflict should exist a clear subordination of military action to political action, because without political control it can be reached the disproportion of an absolute war without any sense, as the only founded is in the peace. In practical terms, the expression of this ideas were almost 800 pages that, for didactic and divulgative reasons, it had to be lightened. This is how the text, free from academic constraints, turned into two books. The first “Understanding War in XXI century” was published by Editorial Complutense with a prologue by the former Defence Minister. The work approached the war as a comprehensive phenomenon, entering conceptual debates about its meaning and practice inherently politics, its evolution in different generations or waves and its embodiment in the terrorism and asymmetrical warfare, documenting this statements with the analysis of recent conflicts. If the tone in the first book was mor institutional, the second showed from the beginning a more breaking character, seeking for a different public. Its title was “The equation of the war2 and came by the hand of a relevant editorial: Montesinos (second mark of “El Viejo Topo”) that some at first instance could consider ideologically not aligned with Defence problematics; it came with a prologue of a professor equally controversial but a renowned polemologist, professor Jorge Verstrynge. The text analyzed the phenomenon of war from a double dimenssion. On one side temporally, studying its causes, the beginning, its development and ending (not only the peace but a quite new concept as it is the “post-conflict”). On the other side, it assessed the phenomenon from multiple levels and aspects: ethic, legal, technological, economic… It has to be outlined that both books were very well received in our country and abroad, specially by the academic community; in every Spanish university library can

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