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le confiere la ventaja de poder tratar heridas anfractuosas y cubrir varios pun-tos 72 de sangrado mejor que otros agentes hemostáticos. La fácil aplicación y la familiaridad con el material de gasa por el personal sanitario, le convierten en el producto idóneo para ser empleado en campaña. Bibliografía ARNAUD F., Tomori T., Carr W., McKeague A., Teranishi K., Prusaczyk K., Mc- Carron R. «Exothermic reaction in zeolite hemostatic dressings: QuikClot ACS and ACS+». Annals of Biomedical Engineering 2008 Oct; 36(10): 1708-13. ARNAUD F., Tomori T., Carr W., McKeague A., Teranishi K., Prusaczyk K., McCarron R. «Exothermic reaction in zeolite hemostatic dressings: QuikClot ACS and ACS+». Annals of Biomedical Engineering 2008 Oct; 36(10):1708-13. ARNAUD F. et al. «Comparative Efficacy of Granular and Bagged Formu-lations of the Hemostatic Agent QuikClot». The Journal of Trauma, 2007; 63: 775–782.ARNAUD et al. «Comparison of 10 hemostatic dressings in a groinpuncture model in swine». Journal of Vascular Surgery, Volume 50, Issue 3, pp. 632-639.e1, September 2009.Battlefield Casualty Drills Trainers Manual (BCDT MATT-3). First Edition 2007. Ministry of Defense UK. BEEKLEY ALEC C., Sebesta James A., Blackbourne Lorne H., Herbert Garth S., Kauvar David S., Baer David G., Walters Thomas J., Mullenix Philip S., Holcomb John B. «Prehospital tourniquet use in Operation Iraqi Freedom: effect on hemorrhage control and outcomes».The Journal of Trauma 2008; 64(2 Suppl): S28-37; discussion S37. BELLAMY RF. Combat trauma overview. Texbook of Military Medicine, Vol. 4: Anesthesia and Perioperative. Care of combat casualty. Edited by Zajtchuck R, Grande CM. Washington, DC. TMM Publication, 1995, pp. 1-42. BELLAMY RF. The cause of death in conventiona land warfare: implications for combat casualty care research. Military Medicine, 1998; 149(2) 55-62. BUUDY G. Kozen et al. «An alternative hemostatic Dressing: Comparasion of CELOX, HemCon and Quick Clot». Acad Emerg Med, January 2008, vol. 15, n.º 1. BURRIS DG., Fitzharris JB., Holcomb JB., Eds, et al. Emergency War Surgery, 3rd Edition. Washington, DC. United States Department of Defense, 2004. CARRAWAY J. et al. «Comparison of a new mineral based hemostatic agent to a commercially available granular zeolite agent for hemostasis in a swine mo-del of lethal extremity arterial hemorrhage». Resuscitation, 2008 Aug; 78(2): 230-5. CRENSHAW AG., Hargens AR., Gershuni DH., Rydevik B. Wide tourniquet cuffs more effective at lower inflation pressures. Acta Orthop cand. 1988; 59(4): 447–451.DOYLE Gerard S., MD, MPH, Taillac Peter P.. «Los torniquetes una revisión de sus indicaciones actuales con propuestas para la ampliación de su uso en el contexto prehospitalario». Prehospital Emergency Care (ed. esp.), vol 1, n.º. 4, 2008.

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